Sunday, March 27, 2011

My choices are...

To get started in designing the freakshow ad I have chosen designer Shepard Fairey and the hierarchical grid.  My target market is going to be tourists ages 18+.

Some of the slogans I have come up with so far are:
1. Enter another world and see yourself with....
2. Get your picture taken with a character.
3. How many characters will you see?
4. Who is your favorite character?
5. Venture to a world of oddities.
6. Venture to a world with and odd cast of characters
7. Itinerary: Theme park, beach, FREAKSHOW.
8. Freaking amazing.
9. Freaking mind-blowing.
10. Eye catching, eye stopping, I can't look away.

Final Maybelline Ad

In redesigning the Maybelline ad I wanted to make it more focused and easier to follow.  The hierarchy is as follows:
1. The models eyes
2. Name and tagline.
3. Slogan, brand name, and website
4. Images of the product.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

TEDtalk: Raghava KK-Five lives of an artist

In his talk, Raghava tells about how his art has influenced his life and how experiences have created 4 "reincarnations as an artist."
1. Cartoonist
2. Painter
3. Discover Realism; learns how to be a real painter
4. Family Guy
Each stage had events that greatly influenced his work.  His cartoons made political statements.  His paintings focused on dance and bringing it alive.  His works in his third reincarnation were dark and angry.  In the final reincarnation his work is whimsical.